Rene Blossom Cluster Silver Earrings

Rene Blossom Cluster Silver Earrings

from $150.00
  • Darling little blossoms! These small, dainty earrings are available with different sizes/colors of pearls. Materials are oxidized sterling silver and cultured pearls. 1” long.

  • The metal pieces in the blossom collection are textured by roller printing with lace.

  • Crafted by hand in my Asheville studio.

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18369149-16BB-4E87-9A0C-486C3CD0104D 424B3C6A-7939-4E6C-AB05-FEE12352C238

Rosy Blossom Drop Earrings

from $110.00

Susu Blossom Drop Earrings

7AAA1B07-8C71-4620-935A-B182BD720335 8F411A63-464C-4AE0-B45A-B6D24A790A6A

Rosy Blossom Cluster Gold Earrings

from $200.00
55875AAB-2A87-41C2-B1BE-9FCBAF9126AE 44455FE6-387F-4CF0-BF3C-BDA2FB5E5BDF
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Blossom Bangle VII

FF32F1EF-2451-4487-8122-1BA7F08E71CB 2D5A9D9F-A220-45C5-8796-48E00D4C90F0

Eve Cosmos Studs

from $180.00